Barbea Williams
Category: Artist/Individual
Discipline: Dance
Program Affiliations: Arts Foundation Grantees | SaludArte

This award-winning performer is dedicated to sharing ethnic dance, theatre and visual cultural traditions that derive from Afrika and the Afrikan Diaspora, as an Arts Educator, Performing and Visual Artist. Her recent award includes the 2023 MLK Drum Major Award for bringing awareness to our community using the arts as a conduit for expressing issues that affect civil rights. Currently, Ms. Williams is the Artistic Director of Barbea Williams Performing Company--BWPC, in her 22nd year as Faculty in the School of Dance at the University of Arizona. This company offers various classes, workshops and residences specializing in Afrikan and Afrikan Latino cultural expressions. Utilizing Dance, Choreography, Choreo-Poetry, Cultural Folklore, Spoken Word, Story Dance to educate and bring attention to past and current events with an emphasis on social justice issues. Our classes, workshops, residencies, and performances seek to transfer audiences to another world rekindling spirits of missed opportunities.