D.E. Valenza

The southwest desert is finally my home.
About D.E. Valenza

As a child, vacations to the southwest had a major influence on me and later, my artworks. Throughout my life I was drawn to the desert. The desert was always unconsciously there, even my childhood dinnerware was the popular Franciscan pattern: "Desert Rose” which I use today! So after years of longing to be in the desert, in 2017 my dream came to a reality when my husband and I moved Arizona. I finally am home.
Artists that have inspired me are Matisse, Kandinsky, Gauguin, Modigliani, and my university art professors, Ugo Giannini, David Kwo and Sr. Gerardine Mueller,OP.
I do believe in an afterlife and feel spirit guidance. “My Ancestors are whispering in my ear and giving me positive energy and vibrations.
When involved in the art of creating a piece, “I am like an actor in the moment, so in character that at times I don’t know how I created the piece, or if I can ever again repeat the performance in exactly the same way.”
You can go to my website for more info about me and my works. www.doreenvalenza.com

Shield Maidens Standing Together
Shield Maidens Standing Together

When I was working on this series I felt that these faces starring back at me were powerful and fierce and I wondered where was I going with these images. They slowly evolved by the addition of several symbolic images- Crosses, Birds & feathers.

Crosses dividing the face – We are all two spirits the good and evil, the yes & no.

Birds- I put birds on the eyes- Birds eye view of life! They are soaring through the sky with their eyes wide open! I like the old saying  “See the soul through ones eyes”

I read that 2 crows are good luck and that the thunderbird is the bird of happiness.

“For those who follow the Norse pantheon, Odin is often represented by the raven—usually a pair of them. Early artwork depicts him as being accompanied by two black birds, who are described in the Eddas as Huginn and Munnin. Their names translate to “thought” and “memory,” and their job is to serve as Odin’s spies, bringing him news each night from the land of men.” -From learnreligions.com 

Feathers: In different Native American communities, the feather has many different meanings. It represents wisdom, spirituality, honor, respect, energy and also represents the sky and air. Different tribes- different meanings. Note: I used cut and painted featheres – Only Native Americans are allowed to use real feathers in their artworks. 

Visitors to the Cornfield
Visitors to the CornField


Another painting from my continuing series -Visitors to the Cornfield / Galax Gemini

I work in 3s.. 3 figures, three birds.

Crosses dividing the face – We are all two spirits the good and evil, the yes & no.

Birds- I put birds on the eyes- Birds eye view of life! They are. soaring through the sky with their eyes wide open! I like the old saying “See the soul through ones eyes

Feathers: In different Native American communities, the feather has many different meanings. It represents wisdom, spirituality, honor, respect, energy and also represents the sky and air. Different tribes- different meanings. Note: I only use painted and cut paper for feather shapes Only Native Americans are allowed to use real feathers in their artworks.

Memento Mori- Rapsodia
MEMEMTO MORI- RAPSODIA This "Memento Mori" is a rememberance of my Nonna and Mama. I used bottle tops that I hammered down & painted gold for the "Milagros"- then pasted old photogrphs of my Nonna and Mama into the tops. All the other figures and items are cut and pasted paper. NFS

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