Lee Lanier
Category: Artist/Individual
Discipline: Public Art
Program Affiliations: Artist Roster
Lee Lanier is a contemporary narrative painter and muralist who lives in Boulder City, Nevada and runs a studio and gallery in Las Vegas, Nevada. His colorful paintings breathe new life into historical, literary, and mythological characters. Stylistically, he combines Renaissance tableau with bright renderings reminiscent of 20th Century commercial illustration. His inspiration comes from old stories that have survived the long march of time. In his owns words, he is “drawn to universal human themes such as life and death, temptation and faith, and creativity and industry.” His end goal is to “create works of art that can be viewed multiple times while inspiring spirited conversations among groups of dissimilar viewers.”
8×8 ft., acrylic on wood, 2023, commissioned by the City of Arvada, CO.
11×21 ft., acrylic on drywall, 2022, commissioned by the City of Las Vegas, NV.