My name is Odile Jacott and I was born in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico in 1965. My passion and love for art began when my daughter asked for an art set for Christmas. We bought a set that included brushes and a small booklet wi

My name is Odile Jacott, and I was born in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico in 1965. My passion and love for art began when my daughter asked for an art set for Christmas. We bought her a set that included some brushes and a small booklet with several pictures of Pablo Picasso's work. When my daughter received all her gifts, she was far more interested in everything else besides the easel. Days went by, and out of nowhere, when I saw the easel, I felt an immense desire to put everything to use. Almost immediately, I opened the Picasso booklet, and that's when my adventure in the world of art began!
Little by little, I came to understand that the world of an artist isn't easy. Sometimes, you may need to spend hours just to get the right color or nail the right expression. I learned that it is possible to capture one's emotions in a painting, whether it be pain or happiness. Every artist is unique in their own way; they can each capture their own feelings and interpretations of the world on their canvas. For me, painting has always been a sort of occupational therapy in my free time as a stay-at-home mom. Over the passing years, I've been able to progress my own style and technique.

Oil on Canvas 24-in L x 48-in W
Sr. Xólotl

“This painting was painted out of the great love that Frida felt for her beloved dog Xólotl and for the colorful world that she captured in each of her paintings.”

Oil on Canvas  48-in L x 36-in W
Danza al Sol

In the depths of my soul, I felt an overwhelming urge to give voice to the turbulent emotions that stirred within the heart of the legendary Frida Kahlo. With each brushstroke, I sought to capture the delicate balance of love and pain that permeated her relationship with her beloved Diego. This evocative painting transcends the boundaries of mere representation; it endeavors to delve into the complexities of Frida’s psyche, laying bare the vulnerability and strength that defined her artistic expression. The canvas becomes a sanctuary for her unspoken thoughts, her silent agony, and the passionate love she carried for Diego, immortalizing their poignant, intertwined story in a symphony of colors and emotions.

Oil open Canvas 30-in L x 48-in W
Frida barajas
This painting takes me back to the past, when I had my lovebird named Milly who stayed with us for 15 years. The monkey represents my childhood memories when we had one; he was very mischievous and enjoyed bothering my brother while he ate. I remember one time the monkey dipped his hand into my brother's soup. As for Frida Kahlo, she always played a central role in the story of Diego Rivera and her.

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