Ron Nelson

I received my MFA in glass and ceramics from University of Wisconsin at Madison. Located in downtown Tucson, my art studio is equipped to do printing, neon, ceramics, cast paper painting and metal work.
About Ron Nelson

I was born in San Jose, California and received my BFA from Cal State Hayward, now renamed California State University, East Bay. I earned my MFA in glass and ceramics from University of Wisconsin, Madison. Friends were attending the University of Arizona so I traveled to visit them and decided to stay in Tucson. I was able to establish a small art studio near downtown, and while Tucson has grown and changed, my studio is still tucked away in the same location.

Ron Nelson
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Reptilian Eye

Glazed ceramic bas-relief

Neon Cow Skull

Neon cow horns and eyes with cast hydrocal skull

Journey Down the Canyon
Painting on cast paper

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